The Max Grundy deck is coming along nicely. I should have some pics of the three versions that I'll show him up shortly. Been working on some shop decks too and these will all be made at Sacrifice and if I can get a short number of them, get a few more of the pinup decks designed and made up too. Been way to busy with family stuff to get my head cleared to start creating some art.
On that note, I did manage to push out a rc rock crawler chassis for the bodiless tvp class 2.2 and have those being made out east.

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This came on as a side project to just get funds rolling in a new market so I'm very pleased with how the design language I used works. The design allows for better controlled articulation, lower stance and ensures that the shocks do not contact the chassis which is what happens on all other chassis's of this class. I shaped it a bit like my old '66 Chrysler 300. These come with all needed rods and screws plus two logo stickers in retail-ready packaging. Anodizing is available for a few bucks more; green, gold, blue, red, and black. I still like the machined metal look myself. Heck, this chassis has so many customizing features with regards to shock placement, the prefect mounting holes for the upper rods and with my custom base plate, your lowers are inboard at a better angle so no more torque twist, lower center of gravity and allows for the tranny to be more forward too, that I took third with no rollovers, and tackling areas where even more experienced drivers had issues. See a short video at
I've taken my day job to the rc market too! Now I'm in the process of developing a shipable boulder set for indoor - outdoor rc rock crawling. HobbyTown Concord's owner was a great help in getting this moving. DarkSoulRacing also helped with some great feedback on my earlier designs. Unlike the hand crafted boulders I make from interior - exterior landscape use, these RCRC Boulders are designed for crawling with a course texture for tires to grab, a puzzle type function so a customer can change the course to allow for different crawling courses. I've also created these to be about 50% lighter and have 3 types with 2-4 shapes each in the works. For going the traditional coloring methods, I'll be working with a coloring process that will be faster to preform. What I like most about these RCRC Boulders is that you'll be able to buy them for about 75.00 each, pricey but worth'll be able to move them, not have to deal with all the little rocks most indoor courses have to use due to boulders this size are too heavy, change the course layout, lift them easily and use them indoors or outdoors.
Well, back to work!